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Wheatley CE Primary School and Acorns Nursery
Together we Thrive

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Wheatley CE Primary School and Acorns Nursery
Together we Thrive

Members of the governing body

The school governors are:


Rebekah Sammut (Chair)

Rebekah has lived in Wheatley for several years and has a son in Y6.

Professionally, Rebekah has worked in the not-for-profit sector for over twelve years in a variety of roles including Managing Director of a telephone fundraising agency, Membership Development Manager for a Professional Body and currently as Development Manager for a psychology-focused behaviour support charity working with young people aged four to eighteen.

Rebekah chairs the Wellbeing Group and is a member of the Education Committee.





Liz Elsom (Vice-chair and Chair, Education Committee)

Liz has lived in Wheatley for over 30 years and her now grown-up

children attended the primary school. During that time Liz was a parent governor for eight years. A primary school teacher by training, Liz spent 14 years in Ofsted with a number of roles primarily improving quality in early years. Liz now works as an early years consultant providing support, guidance and training to national early years organisations.

Liz is the link governor for EYFS and safeguarding.







Sarah Marioni (Chair, Resources Committee)

Sarah was elected as a parent governor in October 2019. She has a child in year 4 and another at Wheatley Park School. She is also an active PTA member and until recently served as Treasurer.  Professionally, Sarah works for Oxfam.

Sarah has lived in Wheatley for 8 years and is very happy here in our community.







Rev. Nigel Hawkes

(Chair, Christian Distinctiveness Committee)

 Revd Nigel Hawkes has been Vicar of Wheatley since 2011 and has served all of his ministry in the Oxford Diocese. He grew up in Hertfordshire and after studying Environmental Science and Meteorology worked in the water industry for 16 years, managing water resources. He has maintained a close relationship with the school and leads Collective Worship every week.






Judy Barrett (community governor)

Judy joined the governing body in 2022 as a community governor, living in Wheatley.  She is a qualified early years teachers teacher and is a keen advocate of empowering girls to aspire to STEM careers.  She studied maths at university and, prior to taking up a teaching career, worked for numerous major corporations and public sector institutions, mainly on IT-based projects. She then went on to set up her own website business, designing, implementing and managing commercial websites for small businesses and educational institutions.

Judy currently works as a scientific research manager/administrator within the higher education industry, working on research projects for both Oxford University and University College London.

She is a member of the education committee and is the link governor for pupil premium.


Steven Ackroyd (parent governor)

Steven has lived in Wheatley for 14 years, has two sons in the school, in Year 3 and Reception.

Professionally, Steven works for the BBC’s international development charity, designing the computer systems.  He has previously worked for a multi academy trust and in a local authority, supporting schools.


Chloe Robinson (staff governor)


Philip Spinks (community governor)


Vacancies: foundation governor, community governor, parent governor

