Performing at Wheatley
At Wheatley we value every opportunity to perform as part of an important part of making music. Within most music classes the children are given opportunities to showcase the learning they have achieved and the skills they are developing. We also use these performing moments as a way of furthering our learning, and learning from our mistakes.
We work hard to make the musicroom a safe space to make mistakes and keep trying.
Children who learn instruments outside of the class have opportunities to perform to their classmates or key Stage, either in assemblies or classtime.
At significant school events and festivals music is part of our celebrations and we perform our learning and skills, working together to create the performances, practising and learning together to make the performance something we are all proud of.
Throughout their time at Wheatley children have many opportunities to perform outside of their classroom learning. The children are taken to perform in many environments; Dorchester Abbey, Oxford Cathedral, Oxford Music Services building where they perform with other schools and groups.
It is our aim that through the curriculum we provide, children will be able to;
Early years outcomes for performing
Keystage one for performing
Keystage two for performing