Our RE teaching and learning plays an important part in underpinning our 'Together we thrive' vision and follows an enquiry led approach. Each unit has a "Big Question" which is then explored in the context of children's own lives and religious teaching to encourage deep thinking, mutual respect and reflection. We aim to teach children about the religious and non-religious world views that they will encounter in modern Britain and enable them to engage in meaningful and considered dialogue with those of all faiths and none.
In accordance with our trust deed, we provide religious education for all pupils registered at the school. Following advice from the Oxford Diocesan Board of Education, the governors have decided that Religious Education in our school will be based upon the Oxford Locally Agreed syllabus whilst also reflecting the requirements of the Statement of Entitlement for Religious Education published by the Education Office of the Church of England in February 2019.
The children record their RE learning in class Big Books. This enables the whole class to discuss and reflect back on their learning over a unit of work and over the year.