Home Page

Wheatley CE Primary School and Acorns Nursery
Together we Thrive

Home Page

Wheatley CE Primary School and Acorns Nursery
Together we Thrive

Y5/6 Elm and Pine

Welcome to Elm and Pine's learning page!


Welcome to the Year 5 and 6 phase learning page. On this page, you will be able to find out what we are planning to learn about this term. You will also be able to access key curriculum documents and resources that will enable you to support your child at home. 



On PE days your child should come to school wearing their PE kit. Pine class PE days are Wednesday and Friday. Elm class PE days are Monday and Wednesday.  


How to contact us

Queries or messages to class teachers should be sent via Class Dojo or through the school office. 

Year 5 Pine Class Teachers: Mrs Ramcreepaul and Mrs Blake. 

Year 6 Elm Class Teacher: Miss Smith.


Home Learning:

Don't forget about this! Your home learning will be set on a Wednesday and we expect it to be completed by the following Wednesday.

  • Reading
    • Please read a minimum of 5 times per week. Try to read a range of genres. Let us know if you have any recommended reads!
  • Maths (
    • Practise your times tables and mental arithmetic as often as possible.
    • Complete one task per week.
  • SPAG (
    • Complete one task per week. Be careful with your spelling and typing in any written answers.
  • Topic
    • Extended project to complete during the term. More information about this, including handing-in date, will be provided on Class Dojo and here on this website page under the corresponding term, at the start of each term.

Useful websites:
