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Wheatley CE Primary School and Acorns Nursery
Together we Thrive

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Wheatley CE Primary School and Acorns Nursery
Together we Thrive

School Improvement

School Improvement Planning


The leadership team and members of the school local governing body (LGB) work together closely to further develop the school and our provision for all pupils. We aim to be an outstanding education provider, striving to achieve excellence in all areas. 


Our School Development Plan (SDP) sets out the vision for the school and its strategy and priorities for the next three years to achieve that vision including those as a church a school. It also sets out specific actions for the year ahead in the form of a detailed operational plan.


We have agreed 5 strategic priorities which guide our school improvement work:

1. Build on our Christian foundation to create a happy, safe and welcoming school which plays an active role in our local community through establishing strong partnerships.

2. Establish excellence in teaching and learning and sustainable leadership across the school leading to improved outcomes for all learners.

3. Develop and embed a broad, balanced curriculum which empowers and excites pupils whilst meeting the needs of all learners. 

4. Become a mentally healthy school, where wellbeing for all is nurtured and celebrated.

5. Secure the financial stability of the school.


The SDP is developed through robust discussion by and consultation with staff and governors and with consideration of parent and pupil voice. School improvement planning is driven by rigorous school self-evaluation using a range of data and evidence collected by the leadership team, governors and through external support. On-going self-evaluation may lead to an amendment of the plan throughout the year. The SDP also includes the school's response to the recommendations made in our most recent Ofsted report, although our school’s improvement work goes much beyond those next steps.


Awards and Quality marks

This year we are working hard to become a Sing Up school to celebrate all the musical activities we do and in order to further develop singing across the whole curriculum.

Our Early Years team are also working towards the Healthy Smiles accreditation for promoting good dental hygiene in our Nursery and Reception classes.
