We use shared writing to practise the skills needed for the final outcome. Teachers model the process to show writing in action. We also use modelled writing to explore the writer’s techniques and aspects of grammar. We learn grammar skills taken from our writing progression documents, that are applicable to the genre of writing we are focused on, then use these skills in a practice piece - a short burst write, so that we can embed grammar in real writing, rehearsing bursts of creative writing, that are relevant and purposeful to our final outcome. This is one of the most vital part of the writing journey, where the children learn the skills needed to improve their writing and practise their craft.
This aspect is again demonstrating the planning process, draft, write, edit and proofread.
There are three stages in this part of the writing process:
My turn: Teacher demonstration
Our turn: This time the teacher is scribing and adding to the shared write
Your turn: This is where the children develop their own skills by experimenting individually. They are given time to work through their ideas, magpie and apply the skills for practice before writing a short burst creative piece. This ensures further opportunities for children to apply techniques before the final outcome.