Morning PE with Mrs Evenhuis
Today, Mrs Evenhuis has prepared two dance sessions. One is for children in Early Years and Year 1 and the other is for children from Year 2 - Year 6. You could have a go at both if you like though! Click here to visit the google drive with this morning's resources.
'Under the Sea' creative movement is for Early Years and Year 1. You will get to go on an adventure out to the middle of the ocean and then see what creatures you discover under the sea!
'Dance Class' which is ideal for Years 2-6 is a class with some short warm up routines as well as a dance for you to learn to the song 'It's gonna be okay'.
Mrs Evenhuis would love to see your dances, so if you get a chance, make a video of yourself and ask your adult to save it in the google drive by clicking HERE!
If you are feeling creative, you could try and make up some more moves to verse 1 as well! The song can also be downloaded separately in case you want to keep practising. There is a short version, like the one used in the video, as well as the whole song in case you want to make up more of the dance.
If Mrs Evenhuis gets sent enough videos she will put them together in a video to be put on the school website. So get dancing!
Don't forget to exercise your brain as well as your body this week. Have a look below for sports-themed Reading, Writing and Math's activities to have a go at.
You may need an adult to help you read some of the tasks, or to work together with you - some of the mysteries are a bit tricky!